Saturday, November 20, 2010

One week away from being done with phase one of USMC boot camp. Hallelujah. <3

....and 4 days till thanksgiving :)

Monday, November 8, 2010

73 days.

Sigh. Only 73 more days until I see my love. I can't wait! Putting letters number 13 and 14 in the mail today. I'm so anxious to get one back. I got one.....but it's been a week. Time for another one right? Yes. Thats what I thought. :)
According to the training matrix i printed off, he gets to learn how to use the Pugil Sticks today. I'm sure he's loving it. He is such a goof. He would love something like that.

I've figured out that during the week, when I'm in school, I don't get nearly as upset about him not being here. I think I just stay so busy that when I slow down to write a letter, i'm busy concentrating on the positives and I don't get sad. But on the weekends, when i have time to sit around and mope, thats exactly what I do. Hmm. Guess I should find stuff to keep me busy on the weekends!

I register for my spring classes tomorrow. Yay! That means I've made it through yet another grueling semester of nursing school. Only 2 more to go! Geez. Sometimes that seems like it won't take that long, and other times it seems like it's gonna take forever. Oh well. One foot in front of the other right? Right.

Ugh...well, It's back to class for me now....more lectures until 4pm. Fabulous.

Thanksgiving Break: 15 days
The Reuniting <3: 73 days

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Sad Day.

So, I created a new page. I was bored with the old one. Will has been in boot camp for almost 2 weeks. This has been by far the hardest adjustment I've ever gone through. I got a letter this past Wednesday. He sounded like he was doing great. I know this is something he wants with all his heart. I just wish the seperation was easier to deal with. I'm slowly getting used to it though.I'm used to physically being away from him. With me living two hours away while in college, i'm totally used to not seeing him every single day; but we always had weekends, and I'm definitely used to talking to him on the phone or online every day. It's just hard not being able to hear his voice before I go to bed at night. I'm making it one day at a time. Today is the first day I've been REALLY sad about it. Maybe thats what inspired me to start blogging again. From the moment I woke up this morning, I've just really been lonely, and I'm at school, two hours from my family....and over 9 hours from my baby. I've prided myself in being so strong thus far...and then today, i just broke down. Oh well, I can start over tomorrow. I think school is really trying my sanity as well. It's my second semester of nursing school, and they expect so much out of us. I usually finish homework (or get off work) around midnight every night, and then I have to be up between 4:30 and 5:00 to  get ready for clinicals. It's just really stressful. But it will be all worth it when I get to graduation. Plus, it's only 16 days until Thanksgiving. I can make it that far, right? Sometimes I'm not sure. Anyways, that's enough rambling for now. I get off work in 30 minutes and I'm going to bed. Maybe life won't hate me tomorrow...

Thanksgiving Break: 16 Days
I see my new *MARINE*: 74 Days